For many, retirement doesn’t look like it used to and neither does planning for retirement.
Previous generations planned for ten to twenty years in retirement. Today we plan for forty+ years of living off the assets accumulated during your working years. There is actually the transition stage (three years before to three years after full or partial retirement) and then four phases during retirement (the Honeymoon Phase, the Big Decision Phase, the Navigating Longevity Phase and the Solo Journey phase). Don’t worry, we can bring you up to speed quickly on all of these matters.
Older individuals are living longer and enjoying healthier, more active lives. What do you need to maintain your lifestyle into retirement? How can you gain the clarity, direction, and confidence and support you want and need for the next forty+ years? What do you need to consider now to optimize your position once you step away from the day to day routine of work and a regular paycheck? You want to have the financial clarity, confidence, and control to make smart decisions as you prepare for retirement.
Our Stages of Financial Freedom roadmap is probably the most important concept for you to review at this point. Notice how it likely shows where you have been (through the foundation, early growth and peak growth stages), where you are (the cusp of the transition stage), and where you want to ideally go into the future. Notice the controlled and uncontrolled depletion modes you want to avoid at all costs. Successful transition planning is all about facing up to this wonderful opportunity and challenge with courage and great clarity and direction.
It is not the time to be vague and reactive. Our aim is to help you successfully make this transition with great confidence. Regardless of what strengths, weaknesses or special circumstances (pro or con) you have, our aim is to help you tee things up for great success with room to spare. When you are ready, call us at 303-721-7000 to begin the conversation. It is that easy to make a giant leap forward.