April 2020
Chart of the Month
U.S. Recession Watch and Global Recession Watch Indicators
Evidence Based Investing (EBI) Perspective Advantage of the Quarter
Key points
- The rapid decline in stock values in March 2020 is called a waterfall decline. In 18 days, the decline was the fastest on record from a record high to a bear market. The left portion of the chart below illustrates just how fast and steep this decline was compared to waterfall declines in 1929 and 1987.
- In the 18 times the S&P 500 has dropped 15% or more in one quarter, it has climbed the next quarter 67% of the time by a median of 5.8%. One year later, the median gain is 17.3%.
- An historic assessment of waterfall declines and bear markets in general reveals a prevalent four-step bottoming process: 1) Oversold selling climax; 2) Rally (bounce(s)); 3) Retest (70% of the time with lower lows) but with less total volume, less downside volume, fewer stocks making new lows and fewer stocks below their moving averages) and 4) Breadth Thrusts (broad increases across stock types/classes).
- Note that the market can bounce from step 2 to 3 several times, but if several breadth thrust indicators fire bullish signals, we will seriously consider a partial or full rebalance move (increase equities back towards or to full target weight from present underweight levels).
- It is certainly possible that the sell climax low was already hit on March 23 (S&P 500 = 2213). In reviewing numerous valuation analysis and assessments by other respected analysts, when the S&P 500 bounced back up to 2600, we assessed what possible downside retests may look like. Whether it is a -5% retest (to 2470), a -10% retest (to 2340) or a dire -17% retest (to 2158 or lower),
it is too speculative for long-term investors, in our expert opinion, to attempt short term market timing moves and potentially miss out on robust rebound days (see right side of chart below). Rather, the long-term investors focus should be to 1) weather the storm, 2) adapt/tweak where needed, 3) rebalance when/if bottoming signals (and virus containment possibilities) flash a buy and 4) don’t miss out on significant deep-discount opportunities and a robust rebound when it occurs (which can be at any time). - Out of caution for the unknowns and the high possibility of a variety of negative news (arguably already priced in, but not for panic sellers) on several fronts, we have elected to wait to rebalance until our bottom watch indicators flash buys and, hopefully, more news about virus containment, cures and economic revival hits the news cycles. If we miss out on rebalancing due to too small/ short a window, we still participate in the recovery at a fine level. Given risk/reward dynamics and the typical profile of our clients, we believe this is the best approach at this time. Let us know if you would like to discuss or implement a different approach.
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Please Note: Rankings and/or recognition by unaffiliated rating services and/or publications should not be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience a certain level of results if Janiczek is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services, nor should it be construed as a current or past endorsement of Janiczek by any of its clients. Rankings published by magazines, and others, generally base their selections exclusively on information prepared and/or submitted by the recognized adviser. Rankings are generally limited to participating advisers.
Barron’s Top Advisors: Rankings are based on data provided by advisors. Included factors were assets under management, regulatory record, revenue produced for the firm, quality of practice and philanthropic work. Investment performance is not an explicit component.
Top Financial Advisors/Financial Times: Rankings are based on data provided by investment firms. Included factors were assets under management, asset retention, years of experience, FINRA compliance record. Investment performance is not an explicit component.
Advisory HQ: Rankings are based on data provided by investment firms. Included factors were fiduciary duty, independence, transparency, level of customized service, history of innovation, fee structure, quality of services provided, team excellence and wealth of experience.
Mutual Funds Magazine: Rankings are based on data provided by investment firms. Included factors were nomination by peers, higher education, professional accreditations, SEC and state registrations, fee structure, assets under management, minimum client portfolio, years of experience and SEC filings. Investment performance is not an explicit component.
Worth Magazine: Rankings are based on data provided by investment firms. Included factors were professional designation and background, client retention rates, average portfolio returns, fee structures and sample financial plans were submitted for review. Investment performance is not an explicit component.
Sources: Barron’s March 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014; Financial Times June 2017, 2015; AdvisoryHQ March 2018, 2017, 2016; Mutual Funds magazine January 2001; Worth magazine July 2002, January 2004, October 2004, October 2008. TM & Copyright Janiczek Wealth Management. All rights reserved. Strength Based Wealth Management® 35 Essential Strengths®, The Stages of Financial Freedom®, Wealth Optimization Plan™, Wealth Optimization Dashboard™, Lifestyle Protection Analysis™, Flourish! Activators™ and Flourish! Based Retirement Planning™ are all trademarks of Wealth with Ease, LLC. For details, call 303-721-7000.