Clear, Confident and On Track
We have an important session we conduct with clients (in our office or via phone or video conferencing) called our Semi-Annual Clarity Session.
This session has a specific agenda we have created to maximize results. We know of no-other review meeting agenda and supporting exponential teamwork and technology that is as effective at keeping clients optimally informed (with important “perspective advantages”), confident and on track nor as streamlined in coordinating and completing prioritized follow-up actions.
Last year our Clarity Sessions earned a 9.86 average rating from clients with 10 being the highest score. This means nearly all were 10’s and a very small number were lower. This is our aim. The meeting receives such ratings, we believe, because we have zeroed in on the discussion topics, perspective advantages and priorities that are most important and they are supported by team work and follow-through that makes it easier to GET THINGS DONE.
Since clients ultimately want us to simplify things and help them take care of important priorities, our Clarity Process is a consistent hit.