In the Midst of a Life Transition?
If you or a loved-one are in the midst of a life transition event, we want you to know that compassionate professional help is available to help you whenever you are ready.
Our life transition track is more about sensitivity and style than about technicalities and processes. Whether you are reaching out solo for yourself or if you are a family member, friend or trusted advisor helping another along the way, we are happy to modify our approach to suit the situation at hand.
In short, we focus on connecting personally first and integrate in prudent portfolio management, wealth management and retirement planning practices where and how they can help alleviate worries, concerns and complexities. Certain steps and optimizations are, when needed, thoughtfully deferred to a later time when more appropriate to address. It’s a compassionate way to address priority needs when the emotional and/or time bandwidth requires such discretion.
Simply call us (303-721-7000), briefly mention you (or a friend) is going through a life transition (divorce, death of loved-one, health change/issue, career transition, life transition, etc.) and we will confidentially and compassionately assist as needed.