Now that you know the science behind why and how affirmations work, you are ready to move forward and make affirmations a part of your life!
For most people, the challenge is how to be consistent. Sometimes, even though you’re excited to get started after finishing the workshop, “life” gets in the way. You plan to dive right into those affirmations—after you get that house project out of the way, once your office is straightened up, or once you get back from that trip you’re taking. The problem is, the longer you go without writing your affirmations, the more they become a “Have To.” And remember those “Have To’s” from Unit 12? They spawn Creative Avoidance…and we don’t want that!!
So, let’s “Choose To, Want To, Love to” write those affirmations! Find the method you really connect with—whether it’s notecards, an art journal, a notebook, vision boards—whatever! Don’t wait for big time blocks. Use the time you DO have, wherever and whenever you find it. Whether you write just one affirmation or twenty, whether you start with pictures and then find the words, make it personal and make it happen. Don’t hesitate to pull out your Thought Patterns for High Performance Participant Manual, and review Unit 11–The Tools for Change. Page 91—the Affirmation Checklist—can be very helpful as you start crafting your initial affirmations.