You’re excited about what you learned and experienced in the TPHP workshop, and you want to quickly apply the methods in your life so you will maximize the benefits gained and experience permanent positive change rather than a temporary blip in performance followed by a return to the old norm. Does this describe your post TPHP workshop feeling and goal?
Great. This is the exact challenge/opportunity I’ve faced participating in TPHP and many other great programs over the last three decades. I’ve refined my follow-up process over the years and found one that really works well in making content stick. Here it is:
Recommended Post-TPHP-Workshop Follow-through Process:
- Make the decision and commitment to fully and completely “embody” and “apply” the TPHP concepts in your life and make this foregone conclusion as vivid, emotional and certain (you won’t accept failure or distraction as a possibility) as you can.
- Reinforce your decision and commitment by taking our Workshop Action Accelerator form and filling it out with as much vivid detail and emotion as you can. In review, you are going to:
- Define the three biggest insights you gained from the workshop (thinking about them and writing them down helps to excite you).
- Identify and define five domains in your life where you will apply the concepts and methods first with details on what you want to achieve and when you will start and finish this task (this sets the stage for applying and learning the material where you are most interested and will very specifically gain the biggest immediate benefit by a defined start and finish date).
- Reflect and write down, as if you already achieved all of the above five initial results and fully understand you have the ability to move onto five more domains and desired results, how your future will be bigger, better and brighter as a result of mastering TPHP at higher and higher levels.
- Utilize the methods learned in all fifteen units (and ultimately, the additional units in the self-study units in the workbook and on the CD) in the five selected domains with persistence. You will naturally have successes and make mistakes or even get temporarily lost or distracted…don’t worry. Just keep reading units, listening to the CD and applying the methods. It gets easier and easier.
- Use the reflection process on the TPHP poster to evaluate how you are doing on the master’s path (or if you have fallen into the dabbler, obsessive or hacker path) and course correct when needed.
Remember that the Enemies of Learning continually lurk as a threat to your progress and you must be diligent in avoiding them or course correcting from them if you find yourself in the midst of them. Make the Allies to Learning your friends and you will prevail.
It is all about repetition and perseverance. Keep at it and do not accept failure as an option.
Warmest Regards,