Do you own your own business? Will there be a time when you want to sell your business? What is the best time to sell your company? Do you have the right team of advisors to develop and implement a plan for selling your business? What value do you need to get for your business in order to reach your financial goals and achieve your desired standard of living? Do you have a comprehensive financial plan that gives you direction and clarity pre and post-sale?
For most entrepreneurs the sale of their business, their life’s work, the reason for jumping out of bed in the morning, is a critical moment. The Denver Business Journal has identified professionals that are experts and deal specifically with liquidity events for business owners to be panelist for the event. The panelists will provide valuable insight to get you ready when the time is right. The panel includes Steve Kopitz, CEO of and business owner who recently sold his business; Joanne Baginski, accounting Partner at EKS&H; Lisa D’Ambrosia, Director and attorney at Minor & Brown PC; Bob Forbes, President of Forbes MA Group; and Founder and CEO of Janiczek® Wealth Management, Joseph Janiczek.
Business owners sometimes avoid seeking help from outside advisors. However, experience shows that business owners enjoy much higher net proceeds and far more peace of mind by engaging the right advisors early in the process. Your business may be your most valuable asset. Have you given any thought to how you will invest the proceeds to make sure you have adequate assets to reach your long-term financial goals? Have you considered how the payout stream will affect your financial picture into the future?
You have put your heart and soul into creating a successful business. Selling your business is a significant undertaking and decisions made in the process can be critical. The rewards for early and careful planning will be worth the effort and should begin well in advance of the actual sale.
Selling Your Business: Practical Advice for Business Owners, will be held on October 1st at the Wellshire Event Center, 3333 S. Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO, 80222. Please contact Cathy Wegner at for details or click here for additional information and tickets.